Easycraft Goes Boho With Building Our Aston

When Chantelle Barresi started up a new Instagram page built around interior styling and home inspiration during the height of COVID, her husband laughed thinking that no one aside from a few family members would want to look at photos of their home. But a single post of her bedroom saw Building Our Aston (@buildingouraston) suddenly take off. With tens of thousands of followers in tow, Chantelle is using even more easycraft products to flaunt the quintessential boho lifestyle.
Easycraft Goes Boho With Building Our Aston

From Obscurity to Prominence

Chantelle has always been fascinated with interiors and home design, but even she couldn’t have imagined the mass online appeal her home would generate. What started as a way to record her DIY projects and develop her styling skills quickly transformed into a popular feed that showcased a variety of stunning spaces, including the use of easycraft decorative panelling.

It was slow going in the initial stages of Chantelle’s Instagram page, but things really took off after she posted a beautiful shot of one of her bedrooms sporting the eye-catching easyVJ wall panelling. “That was the spark,” Chantelle says. “After posting a picture of my bedroom with the easyVJ panels, people went wild for it. That’s why I decided to incorporate more easycraft products – it’s become a bit of an obsession. Once you start with the panels, you don’t stop.”

Redefining ‘boho’

There’s a distinct charm to Chantelle’s styling that truly encapsulates the boho look. So it’s perhaps surprising that out of the diverse range of Easycraft panels she could choose from, Chantelle decided on easyREGENCY for the main lounge room. But that merely speaks volumes about the versatility of this profile to create an intimate yet timeless space. “I can be quite indecisive, so the lounge room was basically just a blank space until I finally decided what I was going to do with it.

Once we used the Easycraft panels in my bedroom, though, I knew straight away I wanted to use them in the lounge room as well. They’re so timeless. “With easyREGENCY, there’s just something about it. It’s just different and it adds a little bit of character. I also love the more detailed groove of the panels. Someone said to me that it reminds them of a country-style look, but I feel like you can use it in any room or space, whether it’s coastal or country or anything in between. They’re so versatile.”

Chantelle’s Number One Tip For DIYers

In addition to the versatility of Easycraft panels, Chantelle loves how quick and hassle-free they are to install, as well as their durability and strength compared to plasterboard and other products. But it’s painting the panels that Chantelle says really brings her rooms to life – and having Easycraft panels pre-primed and ready to paint just makes her projects so much easier. “I’m very Plain Jane, although I do try to bring a bit of pop of colour into it here and there. When painting our rooms I tend to go for a really vivid white. It just brightens the whole space. Plus, if you go white you can always paint it a different colour in the future.”

And to make life easier when you are painting easycraft panels, Chantelle recommends a two-tiered approach: “I go in with a brush first to get into the grooves to make sure they are covered. Then I’ll go over the whole panel with a roller to finish it.” 

You can follow Chantelle’s journey on her Instagram page and also learn more about the easyVJ and easyREGENCY panelling she’s used throughout her home.

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